Portfolios / Folders
Flap Portfolio with Gazette (Lg)
This portfolio is suited for carrying or storing your important documents. Features a large flap an..
item # EC052
Letter Folder with Calculator
Heat sealed in vinyl with foam padded support board. Fitted with a calculator, refillable pad and p..
item # EC060
Premium Junior Folder
Sturdy padded heat sealed vinyl cover with slant pocket. Fitted with a lined note pad. Colou..
item # EC008
Premium Letter Folder
Heat sealed in vinyl with foam padded support board. Fitted witha refillable pad and slant utility ..
item # EC009
Proposal Folder with Spine
Great for conferences, schools, project or simply to protect important documents. Colours : Assor..
item # BR064
Regular Junior Folder
Sturdy board lined, heat sealed vinyl cover with slant pocket. Fitted with a lined note pad (pen n..
item # EC020
Regular Letter Folder
Sturdy board lined heat sealed vinyl cover with slant pocket. Fitted witha lined notepad I..
item # EC011
Snap Portfolio (Lg)
This portfolio is suited for carrying or storing your important documents. Colours : Assorted ..
item # EC026
Snap Portfolio (Sm)
Convenient way of presenting and storing documents. Ideal for office home and travel. Secured with ..
item # EC025
Zipper Portfolio ( Lg)
This large document case provides room for bill board advertising plus large capacity for storage. ..
item # EC024
Zipper Portfolio ( Sm)
Designed to provide easy storage and a great gift for persons on the move. Features vinyl zipper and..
item # EC023