An organisation structure unlike the norm, Forward Industries Limited’s organisation structure is uniquely design to embody the culture and the values of the organisation.
A team structured environment, each section of the organisation consists of a team with a team leader at its forefront. Team members and Team leaders are led by the Entrepreneurial team. Cross functional teams exist to lead the areas that are outside of the specific purview of production and administrative teams.
Our organisational chart gives a further illustration of our organisationstructure.

An organisation geared towards realising the vision of our chairman and founding head, “A business of business owners”. With this vision in mind, FIL leadership growth structure was created. Our structure, unlike the norm is geared towards employees becoming leaders and business owners. Our ladder of growth clearly gives the guidelines on how a person joining the organisation as an employee (the lowest rung) can move to the top of the ladder as an Entrepreneur (the highest level).
The company’s values are intricate to the growth structure.
Currently, each leader on the growth chart started as an employee and progressed through each rung of the ladder to reach the top. You start as an employee and move to Business Associate then to Business Partner then to Shareholder (at this stage you are given shares in the company).
The final rung and top level of the growth chart is an Entrepreneur. This level takes a combination of leadership skills and all the other specifications of the ladder of growth. You have to earn your place on the growth chart and continuously work to remain there (just like beinga business owner). Currently team members own approx 25% ofForward Industries Limited
Our Leadership team is “Home Grown”. Each person on the top level leadership team has started at the lowest level in the organisation and has reached the top level of our ladder of growth structure.
Through teaching, coaching and mentoring, Forward Industries Limited has produced a team of seven eager persons who are excited to take the organisation through the next phase of its growth process. This team has the overall responsibility for every part of the organisation and most importantly they are responsible for growth and direction of the organisation.