Our culture is one of continuous learning and self enhancement.
Reading is a big part of that. Every team member in our organisation no matter the level you are at is required to be reading self improvement books on a continuous basis. “What the CEO wantsyou to know ” by Ram Charan, was our signature book in that every team member was afforded one by the company. This book helped in
bringing to life the basic business understanding. Every team member had to read and share what they attained from this book. This has proven to be excellent for the organisation over the years. Our inhouse library allows team members to have continued access to books.
This is part of the process that is responsible for producing our in-house leadership team. Each one of them has gone through authors such as Stephen Covey, Jack Welch, John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, Jim Collins and so much more.

I started my career at the age of 21yrs with ACM International which subsequently
merged into Forward Industries Limited. My very firrst meeting with the owner, I was asked “Do You Read ?” and I was given a book called “Success! The Glenn Bland Method” by Glenn Bland toread.
I started in the Assembling team, assembling diaries, within 2 weeks of reading I began to gain confidence and I became motivated. At that time I was new to this country, having left mycountry of birth and migrated to Trinidad.
Reading expanded my thinking, elevated my confidence level, gave me great substance and opened me up to a whole new way of thinking but you had to commit yourself to reading every day, which I did. Within my 1st year of employment I was promoted to sales person, at that time I was reading the book “ Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill and as I was reading that book I started to set specific goals for myself. One of my big goals was to own a car, not just any car, I wanted to own a Lancer, guess what, I achieved my goal and
went on to achieve so much more. I started at ground level and went on to become CEO of Forward Industries Limited where Itaught so many of my employees the joys and benefitt of reading and expanding your mind even if you do not possess a university degree. Reading has most definitely contributed to me being the strong confident person that I am today. My family and I eventually migrated to Canada but my achievement did not stop there because I am now the manager of Client’s care with RBC Royal Bank of Canada. I have also incorporated reading in the lives of my children and I am seeing great results. So I would say to you today, “get agood book and start reading, it works”.
The vision of a “Business of Business people” required that everyone in the organisation have at least the basic knowledge of a business and it’s day to day operations. Since it wasn’t possible for everyone to attain higher education in business management, the process of “ Open Book Management” came to life. This
process ensures that team members have the basic training in understanding financial statements and being able to use financial statements to make decisions. But most important it helps members understand how what they do affect the organisation negatively or positively. Open book management, has assisted many team members in acquiring basic business acumen